Jeffrey Kenkel, MD
1801 Inwood Road, 5th Floor
Dallas, TX 75390
Phone: (214) 645-3112
Fax: (214) 645-3105
Monday – Friday : 8:30 a.m.– 5 p.m.
Jeffrey Kenkel, MD
12500 Dallas Parkway, 3rd Floor
Frisco, TX 75033
Phone: (469) 604-9120
Monday – Friday : 8 a.m.– 5 p.m.
Facelift Case #257
*Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.

Before & After
Case Details
Motivated by a desire to regain a more youthful and refreshed appearance, the 56-year-old male patient sought a Facelift in Dallas. Electing the procedure for personal enhancement, he embarked on a journey toward aesthetic rejuvenation and satisfaction.
His facelift experience was marked by care, precision, and thoughtful planning. As a board-certified plastic surgeon based in Dallas, I value individuality and aspire to amplify the inherent beauty of each patient through meticulous attention to detail. Using the latest techniques in facial rejuvenation, I tailored a procedure that enhanced the youthful contours of the patient, lifting and firming sagging skin to achieve an overall revitalization effect.
Procedures Performed
- Facelift
- Facelift
Provider: Jeffrey Kenkel MD, FACS